The Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies (JWLS)
The Journal of Wyndham Lewis Studies (JWLS) is the primary journal devoted to the study of the painting and writing of Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957). JWLS is an open-access publication produced by the Wyndham Lewis Society in partnership with Clemson University Press. It can be obtained in hard copy via membership of the Wyndham Lewis Society or via subscribing libraries.
Articles considering Lewis’s work in any respect will be gratefully received. JWLS uses double-blind peer review. Author identities are hidden from reviewers, and vice versa. To submit an article please contact Louise and Jo on jwlstudies@gmail.com

JWLS CO-EDITORS: Dr. Louise Kane Bishop & Dr. Jo Cottrell
Rebecca Beasley, Queen’s College, Oxford
Peter Brooker, University of Nottingham
Peter Caracciolo, Independent Scholar
Edward Chaney, University College London
Paul Edwards, Bath Spa University
Andrzej Gasiorek, University of Birmingham
Scott Klein, Wake Forest University
Douglas Mao, Johns Hopkins University
Alan Munton, Exeter University
Anna Gruetzner Robins, University of Reading
Andrew Thacker, Nottingham Trent University
Lisa Tickner, Courtauld Institute of Art
Clemson University Press uses the MLA system for references and bibliographies.